News and Information


Unique recipe identifier UFI

作者:admin 发布时间:2021-07-24 02:20:31点击:479
UFI = unique formula identifier
EU requirements?
From January 1, 2021, the regulation communication regulation (EU) 2020 / 1677 of EU poison notification Center (PCN) will be implemented. The regulation requires that UFI must be reflected on the labels of all products classified as health or physical hazards.
In addition to putting UFI on the label, it is also necessary to inform the EU poison center of the relevant information of the product. The information includes detailed information such as product name, composition, color, packaging, product category and toxicology.
What is UFI?
UFI is a 16 character code. Before the product is put on the EU market, the user must provide the poison center with product specific information. Format: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, X can be letters or numbers. Products with the same formula can use the same or different UFI; If the formula is inconsistent, different UFI must be used; Different brands or trademarks, but the formula is the same, different or the same UFI can be used.
Why use UFI?
The purpose of UFI is to establish a clear link between the information provided to the poison center and the products put on the market.
Once an emergency poisoning event occurs, you can call the poison center to obtain the detailed information of the product, such as composition and toxicology information, provide sufficient information for medical treatment response, quickly and accurately obtain the treatment plan, and reduce unnecessary overtreatment.
The establishment of UFI can meet the requirements of protecting trade secrets and public health at the same time. Generally, detailed component information does not need to be marked on the product label. The component information of the product can be obtained from the EU poison center through UFI, and the EU poison center is responsible for keeping the component information of the product confidential.
How to generate UFI?
There are two ways to ensure the uniqueness of UFI:
1. VAT: only companies within the EU can use it.
2. Internal recipe No.: the internal recipe number of the enterprise. The number is between 0 and 268435455.
For companies in China, only one condition of internal recipe number can be used to generate UFI. For details, please refer to the guidelines on the official website.
How to submit product information to the poison center?
PCN = poison center notification
First, generate an offline file through iuclid, and then submit the file online through ECHA submission portal; You can also directly generate an online file through iuclid court and submit the file online through ECHA submission portal.
Who will submit PCN?
It must be a legal entity within the EU. It can be an EU importer or downstream user to submit PCN. Companies in China cannot submit PCN.