Egypt e-cigarette requirements

作者:admin 发布时间:2022-10-27 06:21:25点击:623
Order No. 101 of the Ministry of Trade and Industry in 2019 adopted the general standard for traditional cigarette substitutes issued by Egypt Standardization and Quality Organization - No 8205-1/2018 - Electronic liquids, obligations as manufacturers and importers. Ministerial Decree No. 79/2021 of the Ministry of Health included electronic cigarettes in the Administrative Regulations No. 52/1981, which pointed out that electronic cigarettes are a product that provides smokers with inhaled steam by electrically heating the liquid in the product or the replaceable cigarette cartridge, and clarified that the difference between electronic cigarettes and tobacco products is that they do not contain tobacco. According to Egyptian Finance Minister Decree No. 38 of 2021, Egyptian ports implement the "Advanced Cargo Information (ACI) declaration" to forecast cargo data for cargo registration.
Basic requirements for ingredients
• The maximum allowable nicotine content is 20 mg/ml
• Only high-purity ingredients can be used to prepare electronic cigarette oil
• The minimum purity of nicotine should reach 99%
• The minimum purity of propylene glycol and glycerin (vegetable source) shall not be less than 99.5%
• The purity of essence must meet the requirements of food grade
• The following components cannot be added to the electronic cigarette oil
The impression that vitamins or other additives will bring health benefits to the product
Caffeine or taurine or other energy related additives and stimulants
Additives with colouring properties
. Substances with carcinogenic properties, causing gene mutation, or producing toxins before incineration
Substances listed as prohibited by law, such as psychotropic substances, narcotics, hallucinogens and stimulants
Packaging requirements
• The volume of refilled cigarette oil shall not exceed 10ml
• The volume of smoke cartridge cannot exceed 2ml
• The packaging of tobacco oil must be sealed, resistant to damage and leakage, and the materials must meet the requirements of food containers
• The package must contain product information written in Arabic or in another language. The following information must be clear and indelible:
-Product name, trade name, trademark
-Nicotine content (mg/ml), applicable to products containing nicotine
-Liquid volume in ml
-List of ingredients in descending order of weight
-Country of origin, name and address of importer
-Products made in China must bear the statement of "Made in Egypt".
-Information on packaging disposal
-Safety instructions
-It is recommended to avoid contact with skin or swallowing.
• The package must bear the following statement:
-Store in a dry place away from sunlight
-Please keep this product away from children
-Not to anyone under 18
• The package must not contain any statement about quitting smoking
• In addition, the Consumer Protection Agency has issued Decree No.125/2021, stipulating that all companies that produce, import and distribute various cigarettes and their substitutes must print the price on the package
-Prices must be displayed in a clear and indelible manner.
-Allow price pasting with QR code
-The price shown on the package must be the total price of the product.
-Prices should be written in Arabic
-Prices in languages other than Arabic are allowed.
Health warning
An Arabic warning must be posted on each package, namely: "Caution: Smoking will damage health and cause death"
The warning shall be in Arabic, and the font shall be clear and readable
The warning must cover at least half of the front and back of the package
The package must contain instructions and the following information:
-Health and environmental information applicable to packaging
-The percentage of nicotine and other substances must be indicated
-Usage and safe use, such as not touching skin or swallowing, and storage instructions.
Obligation to register
Companies that produce and import electronic cigarette oil need to register each product and renew it every year. The application documents for renewal of the registration certificate should be submitted one month before the expiration. The original documents and copies must be submitted within six months before the product is imported/manufactured. The required information can be emailed to“ ”Or to the Egyptian General Organization for Standardization and Quality: 16 Tadrib El Motdaribeen St., El Amireya, Cairo, 11715, Egypt.
If the documents are missing, the authorities will notify the registrant and submit them within a maximum of 21 days.
The following documents shall be submitted for registration:
? Application Form
? Product information - name and trademark (if any), product type, equipment, number of units in the package
? Manufacturer's name and country of origin
? Manufacturer's certificate of approval for the production of electronic cigarette oil
? Products meet production and safety requirements
? Product analysis certificate issued by the manufacturer
? Copies of product samples and labels
? Declaration by the applicant confirming the validity of the submitted documents
? Declaration or certificate indicating the use of food grade spices in the product, if applicable.
? GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certificate - or evidence that production complies with internationally recognized standards
? A certificate issued by the manufacturer stating that the filling container complies with the relevant provisions for food packaging manufacturing.
? Toxicological study on product components and their emissions
? Electronic copies of the above documents, provided in CD/USB
? Safety Data Sheets
The importer shall also submit:
. Valid Business Registration
Approval certificate of imported products of the original manufacturer.
Test requirements:
? Composition analysis including nicotine, vitamins, caffeine and taurine
? Toxicological analysis report
? Release test report and data
ACI Process
1. Registration and certification of exporters
• Need to complete registration on CargoX website (Note that the address of the company should be consistent with that on the business license, and the generated blockchain file should be saved.)
• Recharge in CargoX system
Click buy unit in the balance interface to get a Pro form invoices to pay. (Payment can only be made by the registered company account)
• Authentication through CARGOX platform: click Get verified to enter the authentication interface. (The business license may require an official translation)
Cargo X Platform User Manual
Registration Guidelines
Exporter Guidelines
2. The Egyptian importer shall register on the Egyptian online portal Nafeza at Before the goods are shipped, the importer must input the main data of the imported goods into the ACI system. The Egyptian customs authorities will assess the potential risks within 48 hours. If the goods are accepted, they will automatically transmit the unique identification number (ACID number).
3. The exporter obtains the ACID number: by visiting "My Company" | to share the company details with the Egyptian importer, and then clicking "Copy Company Details", the copied information can be sent to the importer via email or any other communication channel, and then wait for ACI notification.
(Wait for the Egyptian importer to register the shipment with the Egyptian Customs Authority (NAFEZA) using your company information. When the ACI request is approved for shipment, you will receive a notification via email and your CargoX account - an attachment with an ACID number and all other relevant information)
4. The exporter creates a new envelope in the CARGOX system, enters the ACID number and uploads the ACI file (each document must be added with the ACID number, especially the bill of lading)
Guidelines for Writing and Sending ACI Envelopes
5. The Egyptian importer may require pre customs clearance when approving data and documents.
