New Zealand HNB Guidelines

作者:超级管理员 发布时间:2023-09-14 13:57:08点击:636

Heated tobacco products, also known as smokeless tobacco products, are regulated by the Electronic Cigarette Regulatory Authority (VRA). VRA is responsible for managing the Tobacco Free Environment and Regulated Products Act of 1990 (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"), which and its amendments (2023) regulate the product requirements, sales, and supply of electronic cigarettes and tobacco products in New Zealand.

Packaging requirements

1. Warning requirements

(1) English and Maori must be used:

This product damages your health and is additive

Ka patu t ē Nei mea i to hauora, ka whakawara ia koe ".

(2) Appear in the reserved area on the front and back of the packaging

(3) Display at the center of each surface (horizontally centered from left to right)

(4) Use black Helvetica font on a white background

(5) The font size should be such that the text occupies the maximum proportion of the reserved area as much as possible

(6) Parallel to the brand name or variant name of the product (when the brand name is not displayed on the surface) or parallel to the maximum text on the surface (in other cases)

(7) Surround with a black border with a width of 1mm

(8) Indelible

(9) Do not comment or explain this warning in any part of the packaging

(10) Fully visible; Not covered (in whole or in part) or interfered with by any packaging, jacket, box, or any other item; Not covering or interfering with any markings required by New Zealand law; Keep the packaging intact when opening

2. Packaging capacity

A pack of heated tobacco products can only contain 20 or 25 cigarettes.

3. Disable Features

(1) Information about nicotine, tar, or carbon monoxide

(2) Mention of additives or absence of additives

(3) Similar to food or cosmetics

(4) Cartoon or toy depiction (This applies to retailers selling smokeless tobacco products, their packaging, and any inserts in the packaging starting from March 21, 2024. Those that do not meet this requirement shall not be sold starting from March 21, 2024)

(5) Suggest less harm; Having vitality, vitality, therapeutic, restorative, natural or organic properties; Other health or lifestyle benefits

(6) The above content includes but is not limited to the text, symbols, names, trademarks, patterns, or other markings on the product

Product Notification

The following information must be provided when reporting products:

(1) Product Type

(2) Brand, model, and general product code

(3) List of ingredients, all described by referring to the registration number of the Chemical Abstract Service or the name of the International Federation of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry

(4) Content of each component

(5) Usage method

(6) Quantity of products in unit packaging

(7) The amount of additives other than seasoning agents (such as preservatives or antioxidants)

(8) Detailed contact information of the notifier (including name, business name, company number, NZBN New Zealand business number, address, phone number, and email address)

(9) Declare that it meets the requirements of the Act and that the detailed information provided is correct

Product safety requirements

For products that require notification, appropriate systems need to be in place to implement the following activities related to these products:

(1) Investigate and resolve any complaints about the product

(2) Record any adverse reactions of the product

(3) Report any adverse reactions of the product to the Ministry of Health

(4) Recall products sold, supplied or distributed

(5) Notify the Ministry of Health of any product recalls, scope of product recalls, and recall results

(6) If additives other than spices are used, a toxicological risk assessment must be conducted on the use of the additives and reasons for their use in the product must be prepared

Annual report

Manufacturers and importers must maintain sales records and provide annual reports to regulatory authorities. The report and declaration form for the previous calendar year should be submitted to the Authority before January 31 of each year.

Registration precautions:

1. Identity of the registrant

Must be an importer or manufacturer within New Zealand;

If overseas manufacturers have multiple importers within New Zealand, each importer needs to register their products in order to legally sell them.

2. Registration Platform

HARP system

3. Validity period of registration

12 months, must be re registered every 12 months, otherwise it will expire. If there are significant changes to the product, it must be registered as a new product and the registration of the existing product must be cancelled.

Testing recommendations:

1. Safety testing of equipment 60335

2. Safety testing of batteries 62133

3. Nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide

If you have any questions, please contact us and we will wholeheartedly provide you with high-quality testing and certification services.

Contact number: 0755-28506411

Email address:


Shenzhen Element Testing Co., Ltd. (referred to as Element) focuses on providing testing and compliance services for electronic atomizer enterprises.

The Element laboratory is equipped with dozens of advanced detection instruments and equipment, such as imported simulated smoking machines (Vaping Machines), liquid chromatography-triple tandem four stage liquid mass spectrometry (LC-MSMS), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-DAD), gas chromatography (GC-FID/ECD/TCD), ion chromatography (IC) X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy analyzer (XRF), electronic cigarette life testing machine, pressure relief safety tester, pressure relief safety tester, glow wire tester, needle flame tester, IPX3, IPX4 test box, salt spray test box, constant temperature and humidity box, mechanical testing system, battery drop stacking testing machine, electrostatic discharge (ESD) tester, etc.

The staff of the Element laboratory all have a bachelor's degree or above and have worked in the field of testing and compliance services for many years. Among them, the engineers of the electronic atomizer project are the first batch of senior experts in China engaged in electronic atomizer testing and compliance services.

Element adheres to the research of laws, regulations and testing standards, continuously transmits the latest legal and regulatory information to customers, completes the method validation of new testing standards as soon as possible, and applies them to the testing of related products.
