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Child-resistant packaging - testing and determination requirements

作者:超级管理员 发布时间:2024-07-24 09:39:12点击:173

This article will provide a brief introduction to the detection process and judgment requirements for preventing children from opening packaging. Child protective packaging is generally divided into two types: reusable packages and non reusable packages.

A) Reusable child protective packaging

A. 1. Relevant standards:


BS EN ISO 8317

KS T ISO 8317

GSO ISO 8317

GB/T 25163

CSA Z 76.1

17 CFR 1700.20


A. 2 Testing and judgment requirements:

A. 2.1 Children's group testing

A. 2.1.1 Composition of the experimental group:

(a) Number of people: 200 children;

(b) Age and gender: Age between 42-51 months (including 42 months and 51 months, the following age and gender should be evenly distributed);

(c) To represent as much as possible the different social classes, races, and cultural backgrounds of the entire population of the country;

(d) Physically healthy, without obvious physiological and intellectual defects, and with certain hands-on abilities;

(e) The number of times to participate in this experiment shall not exceed one (including various open type packaging tests based on different principles). If a child is allowed to participate in more than one experiment, the interval between the two experiments should be at least one week.

A. 2.1.2 Preventing Children from Opening Packaging Test Location:

The experiment should be conducted in a familiar location for children, such as the school or kindergarten they attend, but the experimental children should be separated from other school personnel and avoid external interference. Several locations should be selected from areas with different population distributions, and the experiment may not be completed at the same location or time.

A. 2.1.3 Test method:

(a) Children's experiments should be conducted in pairs, each under the supervision of an impartial, qualified, and skilled person who is skilled in dealing with children. If necessary, 5 pairs of children can be arranged for testing in the same room without interfering with each other. They can adopt the posture and position they deem convenient. During the experiment, if a child wants to slip away, the supervisor should stop them; And induce the child to return to their position, asking them to continue, but without giving any prompts to open the packaging. This situation should be recorded in the test report;

(b) Within the first 5 minutes, prior to the demonstration, distribute the packaging to each child who can open it using any method they wish. Do not prevent children from using teeth or other methods to open the packaging. Except for tools or devices specifically provided as part of child safety packaging, children are not allowed to use any other tools or appliances. In this case, if children are not aware of which tool can be used, they do not need to be reminded until the demonstration;

If a child successfully opens the package within 5 minutes, the child should remain in their testing area until the end of that time period;

(c) Before the start of the second 5-minute period, allow children who have not opened the packaging within the first 5-minute period to watch the supervisor open and seal a package, without focusing on the opening action or any verbal prompts, and then give these children another 5 minutes to open the package;

(d) After each 5-minute period, it should be recorded whether a child has opened the packaging. If the child successfully opened the packaging, it should be recorded whether it was before or after the demonstration. Also record whether the packaging was opened using teeth or other methods.

A. 2.1.4 Determination of the results of the children's group experiment:

(a) Without demonstration, at least 85% of the children in the experimental group were unable to open the bag within 5 minutes;

(b) After demonstrating to the children who did not open the packaging within the first 5 minutes, 80% of the children were still unable to open the packaging within the second 5 minutes.

A. 2.2 Adult Group Test

A. 2.2.1 Composition of the experimental group:

(a) Number of people: 100 normal elderly individuals;

(b) Age and gender: Women should account for 70%, with 25 people aged 50-54 (including 50 and 54 years old, the same below); 25 people aged 55-59 and 50 people aged 60-70.


A. 2.2.2 Test method:

Send the packaging along with other accessories and instructions on how to open and reseal the packaging correctly (the contents of which are printed on or provided to consumers inside the packaging) to each elderly person, without demonstrating how to open and reseal the packaging. Allow 5 minutes for each adult to read the instructions, open the packaging and reseal it correctly, and record the results.

A. 2.2.3 Determination of experimental results for the elderly group:

Without demonstration, at least 90% of elderly people can correctly open and reseal packaging within 5 minutes.

B) Non reusable child protective packaging

B. 1. Relevant standards:

ISO 28862

BS EN 14375

ISO 14375


B. 2 Testing and judgment requirements:

Because it is a disposable packaging, there is no need to reseal it. In addition, the testing requirements and judgments are the same as those for resealable packaging. However, if the same child has participated in a test before, they can only participate in the same type of packaging test again after at least 4 weeks.

