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EU requirements (EC/1935/2004 )

作者:admin 发布时间:2022-05-11 06:24:40点击:513
As a framework regulation, EC/1935/2004 came into effect on December 3, 2004, replacing the previous framework directives: 89/109/EEC and 80/590/EEC. The difference between the two is that in the past, the framework regulations were in the form of directives, which needed to be converted by member states, but this time they were promulgated directly in the form of regulations. This means that Member States do not need any conversion and should directly and fully comply with this Regulation. In a sense, its legal force is stronger and more direct. The regulations make detailed provisions on the management scope, general requirements, and evaluation agencies of packaging materials.
Framework Regulation EC/1935/2004 states that the production of products/substances in contact with food must meet the following conditions: 1) comply with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP); 2) not release ingredients that pose a danger to human health; 3) Unacceptable changes in the composition of the food cannot be made; 4) The sensory properties of the food cannot be reduced (changes in the taste, smell, color, etc. of the food); 5) Labels, advertisements and instructions for materials and products should not mislead consumers.
  Scope of Regulation: The Framework Regulation applies to all materials and articles that will come into contact with food in their final state (which may include things such as printing inks and adhesive labels). But it does not apply to those surface layers that are part of food and eaten when eaten (such as the outer covering of sausages), nor does it apply to some materials and items used in public places and consumer water systems.

 For products that meet food-grade safety, the following logo can be displayed on the packaging or packaging surface, indicating that "the product is suitable for packaged food" (for example: cookware, tableware, electrical products). For food contact products with obvious functions, their functional characteristics can be directly marked (such as: spoons, bowls, etc.), or described in the following words: 1) "for food use" or "food grade symbol" words; 2) special use, safety Instructions for use and precautions to be listed (eg: not microwaveable; not suitable for fatty foods).